Hi Dylan!
Let me start with a quick PSA: there have been many a technology issue as of late. We were fine playing "Salt," but then video chat (which seems relevant) took a dump on us. So there's an outstanding question of whether we can do a podcast. Caveats include the fact that I now have access to a separate space in Manhattan, because as of this weekend, Neal (who I'm not sure I've ever formally introduced on this blog, but who is my boyfriend of 7 months) will have a place in Kips Bay with a home office and that we haven't tested a wired connection on my end yet. That said, I will proceed with this post as if it is happening for sure, and answer your questions about content.
In addition to your outlined areas, which were current events and media, I think we can add "topics that Dylan and Joanna talk about a lot," such as the relationship between social technology and social relationships, Reasons why All of Our Friends Are Wrong About Politics, Where Did All The Good Journalism Go, etc. From an organizational perspective, having discrete, ordered ideas for each episode (episode?) is probably good practice, but I don't think we necessarily need to be extremely formal in presentation, we can transition however seems easiest as we go. I do like the idea of episodic themes, but themes that run the gambit from, say, "topics that start with the letter 'A,'" to say, "mortality and transition." Which is to say, I don't think we need a theme for the themes.
I think lists are a good example of editorial content and more of that would be fun -- an unsolicited advice section, a "mail" section, perhaps we can finish off with a playlist of three songs put together by you (this is really more your cup of tea than mine) each episode. One thing is upon occasion I think it would be fun to feature our friends and guests as they relate to things we are excited about.
I think the main challenge is going to be coming up with a back end structure. Do we, for example, want to have many possible modules, and do five of them or three of them per episode? Do we want to make sure to have exactly the same modules? I'm using "module" here to refer to a type of section. So "lists" would be one module. Is it: Intro > Module 1 > Module 2 > Every Episode Thing > Module 3 > Playlist, or some variant thereof?
Titles are hard, but we came up with one related to our tech frustrations recently that I liked a lot, but now can't remember. Do you remember it?
Please forgive the lateness of this post, things have been crazy and I caught a breather today due to an unexpected snow day. I expect them to slow down in April after I get back from Chicago, because Neal being in the city means that my entire weekend isn't automatically swallowed every week.
At any rate, I will see you in the usual place at the usual time, and we can sail around a bit.
Yours in Podcasting,